May 31, 1960
His Eminence James Francis Cardinal McIntyre establishes St. Thomas Aquinas Parish.
July 1961
A machine shop located at 1100 South Atlantic Boulevard, M.P. is leased as temporary housing for Parish Masses.
Sept. 10, 1961
First Mass of STA Parish is celebrated by Fr. Evans in leased machine shop. About 25 families in attendance armed with knee pads some small pillows and folding chairs.
May 1962
Groundbreaking for STA Church and other parish buildings.
February 3, 1963
First Mass is celebrated at the NEW St. Thomas Aquinas Church.
August 1963
Church, school, other parish buildings ready for occupancy.
Sept. 10, 1963
First day of School. Grades 1 through 4 (200 students.) taught by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Newark.
June 1975
Father Brian Cavanagh appointed Parish Administrator; Pastor (1979)
Father Cavanagh establishes First Parish Council. Father Michael Morahan, an Irish Jesuit served yearly from January to June
March 1980
Father Norman Supancheck in residence, introduced the Spanish Mass
Fr. Cavanagh formulated & implemented “Call to Prayer Program” in English & Spanish
Sister Ellen Muldoon, Sister of St. Columban, expanded the ministry to the sick.
Father Cavanagh formed a group of Eucharistic ministers and lectors.
November 1982
Father Armando Palma, in residence. Introduced “Flores de Mayo”, children’s choir, and Las Posadas
May 12, 1985
His Eminence Cardinal Timothy Manning presided at the 25th anniversary Mass:g 750 registered families.
Our beloved Fr. Maurice Evans passed away
December 1993
Parish notified of proposal for a center for Chinese evangelization directed by Fr. Delos Humphrey
March 1, 1994
His Eminence Cardinal Roger Mahony established a Chinese Catholic Mission to increase Chinese evangelization
September 1994
Fr. Delos Humphrey replaced Fr. Brian Cavanagh
Fr. Luis Garcia formed Our Lady of Guadalupe Society
Fr. Ed Dover and Fr. Gabriel Lui were assigned as a team to minister to the parishioners.
October 1, 2000
In honor of the 120 Chinese martyrs, 120 rose bushes were planted in their memory. Fr. Larry Estrada assigned as Pastor of the twin parishes, St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Stephen Martyr.
Fr. John Montejano appointed Administer Pro Tem.
Fr. John Higgins appointed Administer Pro Tem. School celebrated 40th anniversary
Fr. Gabriel Lui appointed Administer Pro Tem., Pastor (2005)
Parish celebrated Fr. Gabriel Lui 25th anniversary of ordination
Formation of the Capital Campaign Committee
July 1, 2011
Fr. Gabriel Lui completed Pastorship. Fr. John Kyebasuuta- New Administrator and Fr. Jay Wu, Associate Pastor
October 9, 2011
Parish celebrated its Golden Jubliee
July 2013
Ground breaking on New Parish hall and offices
St. Thomas Aquinas painting by:
Lalo Garcia – 2015